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Image by Marylou Fortier

Recommended Books.

Disclosure: The links to these books are affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no extra cost to you. I appreciate your support for Focus Forge and sincerely hope these reads give you as much as they have given me. Please read my full disclosure for more information.

Image by Halima Bouchouicha

The Greatest Salesman in the World

Og Mandino

Don't let the title mislead you, this book is about a lot more than sales. Even though it's a shorter read, this book is packed with great life advice. It's definitely a must-have on my list. 

The E-Myth Revisited: Why most Small Businesses Don't Work & What to Do About It

Michael E. Gerber

A guide not only for entrepreneurs but also for discovering your personality and motivators. This book has some great tricks for when you are feeling overwhelmed and need a restart.

Image by Roberto Cortese
Image by Nubelson Fernandes

Atomic Habits

James Clear

Are any of us surprised to see this book on the list? If you haven't read it already, what are you waiting for?! This book has so many priceless tips for taking control of your life and making the most of any situation.

How Will You Measure Your Life?

Clayton L. Christensen

A book for helping to identify what you value most in your life, and how to shape your life around it. Definitely a great read for getting grounded and focussing on priorities. 

Image by Nubelson Fernandes
Image by Clay Banks

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert Kiyosaki

I absolutely loved this book! Great advice about saving for the future and being financially responsible. This book is all about starting today to build the life you want to live.

Digital Minimalism

Cal Newport

This book was a huge inspiration for Focus Forge and the way I live my life when using my technology. An absolute must-read.

Image by Adam Birkett
Image by Marissa Grootes

The ONE Thing

Gary Keller & Ray Papasan

For those who need help getting more done in their life. This guide gives so many great tips for getting stuff done while also finding balance in your life. 

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